- formerly AtypicalBrain.com, a randomly updated collection of strange musings and observations from a social media nerd living in New York City.
Racing to Finish
We had our first snow a week ago, and it's been quite pleasant since. No telling when the weather will drop kick us back into Old Man Winter's grubby fist. One must be prepared though, for anything. So I am going to finish my scarf by Halloween, the gloves (which have two more fingers done! yay) by the first week in November, and the hat to complement my scarf somewherer close to the other two. Quite an excellent goal setting agenda, eh? Yeah, go rag on your own UFO's, punk!
I shall post next on Halloween. Yes, Halloween! It may be my favorite holiday and the start of the new Celtic year, but I shall post my heart out to celebrate. See you all then.
I Am The Dark Knight, Totally!
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Batman, the Dark Knight As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause.
And He Emerges

A Shift and The Witches' Ball
Let's get the fashion show going! Bernadette finished her fluffy white scarf, her first, and put on a small one-chair fashion show for us. Hott!
Some of the girls did some hand spinning...
Some worked on projects for others...
A couple took it easy...
And some modeled their goods. Minds out of the gutter!! Now!
We also got visited by my sista! Well, my adopted sister, but who cares, really? Anna is in the midst of a crochet project. 'T will look tre fab when finished.
Up and coming so very soon is the Witches' Ball. A night of dancing, magick, celebration, and costumes galore! All the details for the ball can be found here. I plan on attending this year, my first, with the lovely Anna. (Details for a costume are developing in my head as we speak) There will be vendors, belly dancers, costume contests, tarot readings, the works! Everyone is invited. All the details you need to know up front are as follows:
When- Saturday, October 27th, 2007, from 7 pm until midnight
Where- Highlands Masonic Center, 3550 Federal Boulevard Denver, CO (at 35th and Federal - West Entrance)
Tickets- Adults $13, Couples $25, Children 6 to 12 $6, Children under 6 are free.
Wear your finest costumery!
(costumes optional)
Presented by Living Goddess LLC
Tickets can be gathered at the local metaphysical stores in Denver. A full list is given on LG's page.