
Knitting Contest

Allright people! I've been given the uber fun task of creating a contest with the sole purpose of coming up with a name for the pattern for this lovely pair of socks-

Give me a name!!!

This contest is being hosted by Bev over at Emma's Daughter Designs and the winner will be provided with a skein of J. Knits sock yarn. Use the email link at the bottom of this post or send an email at mousebrat2006@gmail.com with "Knitting Contest Entry" in the subject line. One entry per person, please. The deadline for submitting your entries will be Saturday, August 18th. Any comments or questions, you know where to find me. Hint- use the email link. lol Good luck, all.

Send me an email here.

I've had a couple new knitters sit down with me and start their own projects, so there will be pictures coming! Also, just to kind of put this out there, though I know most of you already know this, we are getting together to knit this Tuesday night at the Barnes & Noble on Wadsworth and Bowles around seven-ish, I think. It's still kind of in the works, but a few people have expressed interest in knitting as a group, myself included, so this is our crash course attempt to do that. Feel free to drop by, we're not cliquish.

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